Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Good Night!

Good Night!

Papa Don't Take No Mess!

Did your day end well? It has been a good one here in Tucson. 

I got all of my To Do List taken care of so I will not have a To Do List until Sunday. Whew! I will miss it though, smile!

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is in her office on her desktop. Chris is resting nicely. He is enjoying watching the TV and chowing down on his dinner.

We are all set for our departure in the morning for Las Vegas. We are going to stop at Cracker Barrel for breakfast on the way. Thanks to the gift my sister Tiger and hubby Ray gave us. Thank you so very much. Dottie is really looking forward to this trip with us.

Have a wonderful evening and get some good shuteye.
Prost....Jessie and Elise

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Buon Pomeriggio!

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