Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thirsty Thursday!

Good Morning! 

Mood: Defeated! Butt Kicked!

Music listening to: I'm Looking For A New Love by Jody Whatley.

   It's a Thirsty Thursday! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am looking in on Chris. Elise is stirring about in her cave this morning so she will be up and on the go soon. Any plans for today?

   I am waiting on the coffee to brew but my cup is at the ready.  Jayne is here caring for Chris and Bobby is making his way to Oklahoma for a few days to visit relatives.

   If the wind does not pick up I may start to paint the block walls. I would like to get it done before it turns cold out.

   We got some good news last night from our nephew Zack. He and Mary Lu are getting married on 24 November in Las Vegas. We are really happy for them. WooHoo!

   Last night at the "Mahjong" fest it was a different type of play for us. Different because I lost again, Stu won a hand, Elise won a hand and Shoo Shoo won four. Can you believe that? We plied her with a filling meal, wine, dessert and champagne and it did not slow her down at all. So I have concluded that some underhanded activity took place. Some secret  (cheating) if you will. Smile!

  It was a fun evening as always and we are looking forward to next months meeting. We may go to the movies today if time permits. I glanced at my To Do List and I have a couple of tasks to take care of.

  I am feeling much better this morning. I got some much needed sleep but I could use a bit more. I believe that I was worried and stressed about Elise not feeling well for the past couple of weeks with a sinus problem that seemed to be not going away. She is doing much, much better now.

  I had better get my (Mojo) working, eh? Jane it is working at 100%, smile! Have a good Thirsty Thursday.
Cheers....Jessie and Elise

 Shoo and Stu, thank you for a wonderful evening as always.

 Bobby, have a safe trip to Oklahoma.

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Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...