Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Good Night!

Good Night!

How was your day? It has been a good one but cold and it is still cold and getting colder. We are under a hard freeze warning for tonight. Brrrrr!

Chris and I enjoyed TV this afternoon while my playmate was in her office on her desktop. Elise prepared breakfast for dinner this evening. We had homemade pumpkin pancakes, sausages, and eggs. We got it all down with coffee.

We watched "West Wing" on Netflix with Chris. I finished the photo book for the month of January and I have started February's photos. I am having a lot of fun doing this project.

I am caring for Chris this evening. We hope that your evening will be a quiet one.
Ciao....Jessie and Elise

Welcome home, Blake. Get plenty of rest.

Shoo, we did not learn anything new playing Mahjong. Well, I know that I didn't because I didn't win a game at all.

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Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! Are you still freezing desert dwellers? I know that I am. Brrrr! This cold snap is supposed to last a few more days. I have...