Tuesday, November 17, 2015




Hey, what is going on? It is still cold here in the Old Pueblo. How is it in your neck of the woods?

Well, the new caregiver was here and he was an hour late. He has never worked with a quad before but he is eager to learn. He said that it is a challenge and yes it is for sure. He will return on Saturday morning and Chris will have at him, literally, smile!

Here is a bit about our day one in Quemado, New Mexico. Enjoy we did!

11 Nov 15

We left the house at 8:15am. Bobby is caring for Chris while we are away. We stopped in Catalina at a mom and pops cafe named "Claire's  Cafe".  Outside of the entrance to the cafe a table was set up and manned by several people. They asked everyone as they were entering the cafe if they were a veteran. I answered "yes". The man immediately gave me a coupon for $10.00 off of our breakfast meal and he said "Thank you for your serve". I was totally impressed by this gesture of good will.

We enjoyed our breakfast and we enjoyed looking at all of the art work on the wall. We will remember this place for sure and the food was delicious.

After breakfast we got in the Tacoma and we were headed for Globe, Arizona. We stopped in Mickey D's for a bathroom break. Elise got herself a sundae and I had a McSausage sandwich. We got back on the road and we listened to a book on CD. That made the time go by faster.

We arrived at the Largo Cafe and Hotel in Quemado at 3:00pm. We checked in and we unloaded the Tacoma. Elise called Nanci and Jeff to let them know that we were there and that we would be up to see them shortly. I charged up my cell phone and my playmate hooked us up with a Jack and Coke.

It is very chilly and downright cold here. Elise popped on her silk long johns. We both got out our Alaska Jackets that are way too warm for Tucson, but perfect for here. The jackets were a good investment indeed. Elise was layered with a t-shirt, silk shirt, a long sleeve shirt, a sweat shirt and the jacket. Yes, it was going to be that cold up in the mountains.

It was so good to see Nanci and Jeff. We were surprised at the progress that has been made on the cabin that they are building. It is going to be great when it is completed.

We sat around the fire pit and that was very nice. Of course there were a few beers and vino being downed as well, smile. It was so nice to catch up on the happenings while sitting under the stars with a blazing fire and dear friends. The simple things are the best aren't they? We had a very nice dinner of shrimp, rice, broccoli. Later we said good night and that we would return in the morning. Day one was perfect!

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Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...