Monday, June 22, 2015

It's A Monday!

Good Morning!

Mood: Busy!

Music listening to: The Bird by the Time

    It's a Monday! How are you? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is in her cave but she will be up and on the move soon. Any plans for today?

    The coffee is freshly brewed and it is very good. I will have some fruit for breakfast this morning. It has been smoking hot here in Tucson and no relief is in sight.

     We are still trying to get back into the norm and it is hard to do when you return home from Jamaica. Not to worry we will get back to normal soon. 

     I will post about our trip to Jamaica with pictures as soon as I start to receive input from our fellow travelers. 

    I will be taking JT back to Chandler today. He was here visiting and he also went to his high school reunion as well.

    The weekend has been a good one. We enjoyed a great dinner at "Cafe Ala Cart" with Jane and John and new friends. Elise and I went to see the movie "Jurassic World" in 3D and it was very good.

     A sad note. We visited my girlfriend "Lila" after breakfast yesterday at the "Egg Connection". She leaves on tomorrow for Kansas. I got to say goodbye and I got to hug and hold her for the last time. She will be missed so very much.

    Well I had better get to it. Have a wonderful Monday.
Later...Jessie and Elise


Bobby said...

Jessie, I'll email you some of my favorite pix for the blog today or tomorrow. ..i, too, am trying to get back in the groove....what an AMAZING trip!!

Jessie said...

Cool! What a fantastic trip.


Ciao! ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? We are still cold here in the desert of Tucson. How about you? We just got back from the "Egg Co...