Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Good Afternoon!!


How is your day going so far? Things are going OK here in Tucson. Bobby is here caring for Chris and I just returned from Walgreen's having some posters made from a few of our Florence pictures. It is getting pretty cloudy here and we just might get some rain today or tomorrow. My nurse supervisor visit was a good one and Chris enjoyed the attention. Well, here is a bit more about our Firenze trip.

20 Oct 12

Our last day in Florence.

We got up early this morning and we slept very well. Thanks to Chianti and Limencello!! We are pretty much packed up to go home. Fernanda will be taking us to the airport tomorrow morning very early. She is a treasure!

We got dressed and we left for a fair that Fernanda told us about at the Firenze Center. There is also a street fair on the corner of our B&B on Via Finiguerra. We looked around there for a short while and then we headed of the Firenze Center.

It was sort of a Home and Garden Show. Lot's of interesting furniture, clothes, cashmere sweaters for only $20 euros. Lot's of food vendor as well. I bought two cannelloni. One was chocolate and the other was caramel. Elise took a bite and they were way too sweet for her.

We found some earrings we liked and we bought them. One for each of us. We returned to our B&B to find Fernanda there. She was worried about the drain in the sink in the bathroom.  The couple that was in the room next to the kitchen (Sun Room) left a lot of hair in the sink and the shower causing it to drain very slowly. Oh, the joys of owning a B&B, eh?

We went to the Cafe L' Angolo for lunch. We each had a panini with ham and cheese, and of course a nice cold birra. We bought two more panini's go for dinner and we chowed down on them with the birra we had left in the fridge back at the B&B. 

It was about 6:10pm when we were eating our dinner. Elise sort of left the panini's in the toaster a little too long and they started to burn but they were still good way to close out our last night in Italia. It is now 8:00pm lights out!

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Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...