Friday, June 22, 2012


Good Morning!  

Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Sweet Love by Anita Baker

      TGIF! How are you? I started the day off at 5:25am caring for Chris and checking on Elise. I spent the night sleeping on the sofa and Elise slept on the recliner. Elise slept there to aid in keeping the swelling down from her surgery. She slept fairly well and at times she was calling all hogs, smile! I would doze off at times and then I would wake up to check on her. Any plans for today?

    Elise will be taking it slow and easy today. I will be cleaning her incision sites and apply an anti-bi several times today. She cannot do anything for the next couple of weeks to include no swimming and that is upsetting for her. No lifting and facing of the site area, but she can around the area only. Good thing I know what to do, eh?

     We are going to venture out this evening to go to Colors. We will be joined by Bobby and Nicolette. After that Elise,Bobby and I will go to the Live Theater Workshop to see the play " Harvey" yes the one about the rabbit. Then we will hit up Applebees for a late dinner. 

    I still have to post info about our trip to San Diego and I will as soon as I am sure that Elise is doing better. This morning she had some oozing from her left eye that is normal. I am about to tend to that right now and give her some meds. 

   Have a good Friday and stay safe. The above picture is of our niece and nephew Sara and Eric sporting there second place medals at the Police and Fireman's Games in San Diego. They did a great job and they made us proud of Arizona's Finest!

Later.....Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good Friday.

Jane, have a good day and give our best to John.

Loraine, have a good one.

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Those are 2 good looking youngins!

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! How is your Sabato going so far?  It is a busy one for me and that is a good thing. Mia Moglie just left to get her grocery...