Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Early Riser

Good Morning,

Mood: Sleepy

Music listening to: Last Forever by Keith Sweat

How are you? I am starting today at 4:00am this morning due to Lampchop is barking at something behind Chris's house, so I am up to investigate. I see nothing but now I am wide awake so I had better put the pot on. Chris is awake as well due to the barking and I got him settled and relaxed. Elise is counting Javelina this morning.

I have to go to my office this morning to turn in some paperwork and I have a few other errands to run as well. I will run those after Brent the caregiver arrives to look after Chris this afternoon. I will be going to watch Elise and her other classmates go through a round of Tai Chi exercises this afternoon as well. Afterwards we may stop in at the Desert Diamond Casino for a short while. Wish us luck,eh?

Afterward we will be checking out the northwestern side of Tucson to see what is happening in that area. I have got to tell you that this Sumatra coffee is really aromatic and very good, for a Trader Joe's brand. I had better get the dogs feed and get this day started. Chris had a very nice visit with his case manager yesterday,he always enjoys her visits. Chris will be getting his weekly massage this evening as well. Have a great Hump Day all.


Morning Janice & Frank

Jeanne, what was your score? I am curious!
Good Morning to our new blog followers in Jakarta.

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Ciao! MY DEAR FRIEND ROSIE IN MELBOURNE Are you still cold? We desert dwellers are. When are we going to heat up? Our daughter and son-in-la...