Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Good Evening

Good Evening,

We hope that everyone had a good day today? It has been a pretty good day and a very relaxing evening. Chris and Elise got their massages and now Chris is really relaxed. Elise and just finished off the leftover turkey and let me tell you it was good. Funny how good things are when you get down to the last of it, eh?

I just got a few Christmas cards signed and the envelopes ready to mail out in tomorrows post. Elise is getting a batch ready as I post this blog entry. We will find out if Elise has a touch of pneumonia tomorrow, she is feeling better today. Well I had better get back to Chris.

Have a good evening!!!!!!!!!!

Good Night JT

Carol, always good to hear from you.

Janice & Frank we are glad that you are back from your trip. Looking forward to the trips details as always.

Mary, you guys have a pleasant evening.

Rory, is it still cold in Fallen?


Anonymous said...

It was 24 this morning. Our highs are in the 40's all week.

JT said...

Now that is a cold week. Stay bundled up and stay warm. Have a good day.
Jessie & Elise


Buongiorno! Mood: Cautious! Music listening to: Traffic on Pima Street! Buon Giovedi!  Sete Giovedi!  How are you doing? It is a cold, clear...