Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year All,

Elise and I are awaiting the beginning of the New Year, and we have decided that this year is going to be different. We want to wish you and yours the best of what the New Year has to bring. We wish you good health, wealth and happiness throughout the year.

We went to see Marley and Me and it was very good and very touching. We returned home and I relieved Kris who was looking after Chris while we went to the movies. We had dinner that consisted of the chicken and risotto that I had prepared earlier in the crock pot. It was fantastic, even Chris enjoyed it. We shared a bottle of Don Perignon champagne that was great, a 1998 vintage.

The last few days we have encounter some serious problems but we have decided to put it in God's hands because we have done all that we can do. Well, I had better get back to work with Chris. Have a wonderful evening and bring in the New Year safely.

Good Night All.

Happy New Year Ross and Denise.

Happy New Year Sis and family.

Happy New Year Claudia, thank you for the phone call this evening. Elise and I appreciate it very much.

Happy New Year Marcie.

Happy New Year Cher.

Happy New Year Joe and family.

Happy New Year Laura.

Happy New Year Janice and Frank.

Happy New Year Mary and family.

Happy New Year Herman and family, thank you.

Happy New Year Monna and family.

Happy New Year Rory and family.

Happy New Year Liz and family.

Happy New Year to all Penpals.

Happy New Year Pearl and family.

Happy New Year Kelli and family.

Happy New Year Sharon and family in the UK.

Happy New Year Rosie, stay safe, thank you.

Happy New Year Susie and family in Saudi.

Happy New Year Olivia and family.

Happy New Year Jeanne in the foothills of Tucson. Hugs.

Happy New Year Erika and family in Germany.

Happy New Year Gisela and family in Alten-Buseck, Germany.

Happy New Year Paula and Marty.

Happy New Year Shirlene and family.

Happy New Year Odette and family in France.

Happy New Year Karen and family.

Happy New Year Jerome and Keshia.

Happy New Year Debbie and family in New York.

Happy New Year Carolyn and family in Florida.

New Years Eve

Good Morning,

Mood: Determined

Music listening to: It's Alright by Earth,Wind, and Fire

How is everyone doing? We are doing OK here in Tucson. It is a nice 46 degrees this morning and clear. I started the day at 5:40am caring for Chris. Elise is still counting sheep this morning. No plans for today except that when the caregiver arrives this afternoon we are going to go to the movies to see Frost/Nixon.

Is anyone having a special meal for New Years Eve or New Years Day? On New Years Day we are going to have black eyed peas and cornbread to bring luck to the upcoming year. Well, I had better get busy with Chris. I am also going to put on the crock pot and cook some chicken breasts and risotto to have for dinner this evening as well. I cooked this before and it was so good. Where's the coffee? Have a good New Years Eve all.


Laura, hang in there, and thank you for being such a good friend.

Jeanne, you are a dear, thank you.

Rosie, thank you for being a wonderful friend.

Monna, you have known me for many years and we have gone through many ups and downs together. You have always been there and I appreciate it very much.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Good Night All,

Well the day has come to and end and I am glad of that. It has been one of those days when things go wrong and you are stuck in the middle of it all. I am saying to myself why does this have to be happening to me after all I (we) have done and sacrificed to make sure that things happen for the best.

I sat down today and held my face in my hands and I just cried like a child. I have been hurt beyond belief and I have finally come to the point where I am letting go, we cannot do anymore. It is time for me to Let God! Amen.

Chris and Elise had a good time at their chiro appointment this afternoon. Afterward Elise and I went to Costco to do some shopping for her Mom and we picked up a few things for us as well. We returned home and Elise fixed breakfast for dinner and while we ate we watched TV with Chris. Elise left to play bridge with her Mom and I am caring for Chris this evening.

Well, I had better get to work and check on Chris. Have a great evening all.

Nos da....................................

Laura, thank you for the email today. Nos da.

Ross, don't forget to send me a few pairs of those Ray Bans, please.

Erika, did you get to go skiing today?

Good Night Marcie.

Good Night Cher.

Guten Morgan

Good Morning,

Mood: Betrayed

Music listening to: Have You Seen Her by the Chi-Lites

How are things going? We are doing well here in Tucson, Arizona. It is a cool 47 degrees this morning and it will get up into the 70's today. I started today at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is up and out swimming this morning. I am waiting on the coffee to brew and I think I will have a slice of toast and some yogurt.

I have to run a few errands this morning. I have to turn in some paperwork and then I will go on the airbase to get some ink cartridges for our printers. While I am there I will stop by our health care office as well. We will be taking Chris to his chiro appointment when Brent the caregiver arrives this afternoon. Then I will go with Elise to run her errands. So I guess it will be a full day today, eh?

Well, I had better get to it. Have a good day!

See Ya..................................

Good Morning JT

Rosie, have a very nice day and stay safe.

Ross, I want all three pair of those Ray Bans. Can you send them in the post?

Liz, where are you now?

Rory, what's new in Fallen?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Good Night

Good Night,

Well it has been one of those days. It started off very well and too good for a Monday morning, and I should have known that something was amiss. I received a phone call that just shot this day to hell and I am still fuming about it. I will not go into detail about it but is not good at all. Elise and I are both upset beyond the realm of believe.

Chris is doing just great, he and Elise got a massage today. Donna the massage therapist surprised me with a Christmas gift from my hometown of Detroit, Michigan. It was a DVD that was made about a radio station that was the most popular that reached the airwaves all over the country and Canada. I really enjoyed looking at it very much and I will treasure it always. What memories!

Elise is at her Mom's playing bridge this evening and Chris and I are watching the AZ Wildcats play the Wildcats in a very good basketball game. We are winning so far. Go Cats! Well I had better get back to the game, the second half is about to start.


Good Night JT

Claudia, it was good to talk to you today.

Sis, thank you for listening to me today. Give our best to all. Elise agrees with your last email of the day. We are really upset!

Herman, thank you again we cannot thank you enough.


Good Morning,

Mood: Happy

Music listening to: The Rubber Band Man by the Spinners

Hello how is everyone doing this Monday morning? I started the day off at 5:45am caring for Chris. Elise is counting sheep still. The coffee is brewing and I am waiting on it. It is about 48 degrees right now and it is supposed to reach the mid to lower 70's today. A far cry from the 20's and 30's that we have had for the past couple of days.

No real plans for today as of yet, we usually take Monday as it comes around here. I will be looking forward to watching the Wildcats play basketball this evening at 6:30pm. Go Cats! Well, I had better get busy and get ready for work. Have a safe, productive Monday all.


Good Morning JT

Cher, how are thing going?

Marcie, what are your plans for today?

Good Morning Jeanne, how are things in the foothills of Tucson?

Monna, have a great week. Give a shout out to the boys for us.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Good Night

We just returned from having dinner with Elise's Mom, and it was very good. We shared a bottle of Cab that was pretty good. We returned home and Elise crashed for the night, I will stay up until the caregiver leaves. I will check on Chris and then I will call it a evening.

Have a good evening all.

Good Night JT

Mary, good to hear from you today.

Herman, thank you very much for getting the Town Suites reservations for us.

Joe, good to hear from you today.

Monna, did I get any of the answers correct?

Good night Jeanne.


Good Morning,

Mood: Used

Music listening to: Let The Music Play

How are you doing this morning? We are doing well here in the cold, cold desert of Tucson, Arizona. I started today at 6:00am looking in on Chris. Elise will be over shortly to care for Chris this morning. It is a cold 31 degrees outside this morning and the dogs are glad to be inside. The coffee is good this morning and I am sure that I will down several cups.

We went to the movies last night after the caregiver Mike arrived to look after Chris. We went to see The Changeling with Angelina Jolie and it was a very good movie, but the critics here only gave it a so-so review. We thought that it was excellent. We are going to go out to breakfast with Elise's Mom this morning to a place called Millie's Pancake House. It is a very nice place and the food is very good there.

Well, I had better get to it and get this day rolling. Have a blessed Sunday everyone.


Good Morning JT.

Rosie, thank you for the wonderful email. Always good to hear from you.

Janice & Frank how are things going?

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Good Morning All,

Mood: Annoyed

Music listening to: Planet Earth

How is your day going? We are doing well this morning. It is cold this morning about 30 degrees right now. I started the day at 5:30am looking in on Chris. Elise will be caring for Chris this morning. I had to grind some coffee beans this morning and I love the smell of fresh ground coffee. I have had two cups already and looking for more. Elise is up and out swimming this morning.

We had a very nice time in Bisbee on Christmas Day and it was a bit cold there as well. Elise and I went to the movies last night after Marv came to care for Chris. We saw the movie Doubt and let me tell you it is excellent with great acting by all. We would recommend this one as a must see movie. Afterward we had dinner at Buddy's Grill one of our favorite spots. We both had pork chops with veggies. Elise had a baked potato and I had the Au Gratin potatoes. We had shrimp cocktail prior to the entree. We shared a bottle of Merlot that was pretty good.

We returned home and I looked in on Chris and we called it a night. We are thinking about going to the movies again this evening to see the Changeling with Angelina Jolie. We have to make sure that a caregiver shows up before we decide to go to the movies. We hope that your Christmas was a joyous day and that you enjoyed it to the utmost. Well, I had better get to work so I can stay out of trouble.


Good Morning JT.

Marcie, good to hear from you today.

Jeanne, how are you doing?

Ross, sounds like you Christmas was a good one? What kind of champagne did you have?

Claudia, I will shoot you an email today.

Mary, how are things?

Joe, thank you for the recent emails, I had to pass them along.

Monna, you know me very well don't you?

Herman, thank you for assisting Elise and I with our hotel stays. We appreciate it very much.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Good Morning

Good Morning All,

Mood: Jubilant

Music listening to: Dropped a Bomb on Me

How is everyone doing this day after Christmas? We had a very nice time in Bisbee, AZ at Elise's sister's home. I will give more details and a photo or two a bit later in the day. I started my day off today at 6:00am caring for Chris. Elise is counting those lizards this morning. I am in need of that cup of coffee and I will grab it as soon as it is finished brewing.

I have to run a few errands this morning and I have to stop in at my office for some paperwork as well. We were paid a visit by our dear friend Jeanne on Wednesday along with her caregiver and it was a pleasure to see them. Jeanne is such a sweet lady. I am wondering what the weekend is going to bring for us? We will be looking forward to it as it comes. TGIF!

Well,I had better get busy and tackle today's events. Have a good day all and a great weekend.


Good Morning JT.

Rosie, thank you so much for the very kind email. Enjoy the BBQ today.

Erika, always good to hear from you guys. Stay warm I know that it gets pretty cold in Germany.

Claudia, it was good to talk to you for a bit last night. I will email you later today. Have a good weekend.

Ross, how was Christmas Down Under?

Marcie, how are you doing?

Rosemary, how are you doing today?

Mary, what is going on around your way?

Laura, how are things in Wales?

Sharon in the UK, how was Christmas?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Good Morning,

Buon Natalie

Mood: Rejected

Music listening to: Cold Hearted Snake by Paula Abdul

Well, it is Christmas Eve,how is it going for you? We are doing OK here in Tucson, Arizona. I started today at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is still sawing logs this morning. I have already had a cup of coffee and I am thinking about a second one.

We are supposed to get more rain today and tomorrow and some snow as well through Christmas Day. I have to get the van loaded up with Chris's things and mine this morning, and I have to make sure that we have everything that he will need for the trip. Today is Elise's birthday and I hope that she enjoys her special day.

We are going to have a visit this morning from our good friend Jeanne who lives in the foothills of Tucson. It is always good to see her at anytime. I am trying to decide if I should take our laptop with us to Bisbee or not, because I am not sure if I can get an Internet connection there. I will be taking our camera and I hope to have time to get to take some photos.

Well I had better get to it. Have a wonderful Christmas Eve everyone, enjoy the day.


Good Morning JT.

Sis, how are you doing?

Mary, what is new around your way?

Ross, anything new Down Under?

Rosie, how are you doing?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Good Night

Good Night,

Mood: Irritated, Disappointed.

Well, it has been one of those days here in the Old Pueblo. It has rained most of the day and now it is starting back up again. Elise fixed breakfast for dinner this evening and it was very good. We had blueberry pancakes, sausages, and hot coffee. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is on her way to her Mom's to play bridge.

Tomorrow is Elise's birthday. We will be in Bisbee tomorrow with Chris. We will return on Christmas Day early in the afternoon. I am not feeling my best right now, but I never really get into the holiday spirit because over the years it has not been the same for me. I miss the closeness that I enjoyed with family. Stuff happens, eh?

Well, I had better get to work and get my suitcase packed and get Chris's packing done as well. Have a good evening everyone and stay warm, safe and dry.


Good Night JT.

Steph, good to hear from you guys today. Have a good evening.

Cher, what is new?


Good Morning,

Mood: Crappy

Music listening to: Very Superstitious, by Stevie Wonder

How is your day going so far? We are doing OK here in the desert. I started today off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is up and out swimming this morning. The coffee is good this morning and it is raining out right now. We had a very windy night and it is still blowing this morning. I bet we get some snow up on Mt. Lemmon today.

I have to run a few errands this morning so I had better get to it. We are leaving tomorrow afternoon headed for Bisbee, AZ to take Chris to Elise's sisters home. We will return on Christmas Day. We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, enjoy the day and don't forget to reflect on what this day is all about.


Good Morning JT.

Jeanne, we are looking forward to your visit tomorrow morning.

Mary and Bob, enjoy the day and stay safe.

Sis, is everything alright? Haven't heard from you in a few days.

Erika, have a good German Christmas and give our best to all.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Good Night all,

How has your day gone? We are doing well here. Elise and Chris got their massages today and now Chris is really relaxed. Elise is at her Mom's playing bridge like she does every Monday evening. It has been a very nice day today weather wise, nice and mild.

My son JT is here in Tucson at his Mom's house. I haven't seen him as of yet like he said that he would come over to visit. He has developed a problem with his foot and it has become infected. We are trying to get him to see the doctor tomorrow if it doesn't get any better over night. We hope that it hasn't affected the bone in his foot, because that would be very serious.

Well, I had better get back to work. Good Night.


Good Night JT, look after that foot and go to see the doctor before it gets any worse.

Sandy, how are you doing?

Liz, enjoy your stay in Texas.


Good Morning,

Mood: Busy

Music listening to: In My House

How is everyone doing? We are doing pretty good here in Tucson. I started today at 5:40am caring for Chris. Elise is still counting those Javalina's this morning. The coffee is brewing and the aroma is sweet.

Well, our Wildcats basketball team lost the game, but our Wildcat football team won there bowl game in Las Vegas, it was a very good game. Go Cats! We had to stay home this weekend due to caregiver problems, but it worked out OK.

We went o breakfast yesterday with Elise's Mom as usual, and the food was very good. JT is here in Tucson and we have not seen him as of yet. We hope that he does stop by like he said he would do. Has everyone finished with their Christmas shopping?

Elise's Mom joined us for dinner last night here at home. I grilled some Italian sausages and Elise fixed spaghetti with a red sauce, and a salad. We cut up the sausages and added them to the red sauce. It was delicious and we didn't have any leftovers at all. We all had a couple of glasses of a Lodi red that was wonderful. Elise's Mom loves dessert so we had Butter Pecan ice cream and cookies. A great dinner.

Well, I had better get to work and grad a cup of coffee. Have a wonderful Monday all and stay safe.


Good Morning JT. We were looking forward to your visit yesterday. What happened?

Jeanne, how are you doing?

Cher, what is new?

Janice & Frank, how are things going?

Monna, have a good day give our best to all.

Mary, how was the weekend?

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Good Morning,

Mood: Grateful

Music listening to: Disco Inferno by the Tramps

How has your Saturday started? I started the day off at 5:30am looking in on and getting Chris settled. Elise will be caring for Chris this morning. The coffee is on and I will grab a cup shortly. Elise is up and out swimming this morning. It is a cool 36 degrees here in Tucson.

I have to run a few errands this morning and so some shopping for a few more Christmas gifts. We had a very nice evening with Paula and Marty at the Melting Pot. The food was great and we shared two bottles of a very good red. We arrived at the Melting Pot at 6:30pm and we left at around 9:30pm. Time sure does go by when you are having fun with good food, and great friends.

We returned home and I checked on Chris and then we called it a night. It was a very good day. Today we will be glued to the TV watching the Wildcats basketball game and later in the evening we will watch the Wildcats football team play in a bowl game in Las Vegas. Go Cats!! Well, I had better got busy and grab that cup of coffee and get this day started. Have a wonderful Saturday all.


Good Morning JT, are finals over yet?

Paula and Marty, thank you for a wonderful evening at The Melting Pot.

Cher, any plans for the weekend?

Ross/Denise, how is your Mom doing today?

Sharon in the UK, have a great weekend. Give our best to all.

Jeanne, I will be dropping by after 10:00am this morning to see you.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Good Evening,

How has your day gone? Has it been a good Friday for you? Things are going pretty good here. We are waiting for Marv to arrived to care for Chris and then we will be headed for The Melting Pot to met with Paula and Marty for dinner.

We got a call this afternoon to let us know that Chris's caregiver Mike will not be here to car for Chris this weekend, and that they were going to send someone new. That is a problem because that means that we have to cancel or plans and stay around so I can train this person on how to care for Chris. It should be the agency who provides the training but it doesn't. It is a real problem at times and very stressful to say the least.

It is still a bit cool here in the Old Pueblo and the temp is dropping. Well I had better check on Chris, he is watching TV and laughing. Have a wonderful evening everyone.

Good Night.

Good Night JT

Cher, I cannot compete with Charles he has more Tag money. Smile.

Marcie, have a good weekend.

Monna, how are things going?

Mary, how are things?

Ross, always a pleasure to hear from you and Denise. Give our best to all. Denise's Mom is in our prayers daily. Cheers!


Good Morning,

Mood: Mellow

Music listening to: What am I Gonna Do by Barry White (Classic)

How is everyone this cold morning? I stared today off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is still in dreamland this morning. It is a cool 36 degrees right now, brrrr! I am on my second cup of coffee already and thinking about a third.

Well we had a good time at Leo's last night for dinner, as a matter of fact I believe the Margaritas did us in because I didn't post to our blog last night. The food was great and we had two Margarita's that were outstanding. Does anyone have any special plans for Christmas?

We are going out to dinner with Paula and Marty this evening after Marv comes to care for Chris. We will meet at the Melting Pot, we love this place because it is a very nice fondue eatery. It gets a bit pricey though. The desserts are to die for and they are very rich.

We are getting set for our couch gate party before the basketball and football game tomorrow. The Wildcats are in a bowl game in Las Vegas tomorrow at about 6:00pm our time. Go Cats!! We have nothing planned for tomorrow but that. We went to see the movie (Milk) yesterday and it was excellent. Sean Penn is a wonderful actor and we would recommend this movie as a must see.

Well, I had better get busy and get to work. Have a good Friday all. TGIF!


Good Morning JT

Ross, thank you so much for the wonderful surprise that we received in the post yesterday. We love it!

Jerome and Kesha it was good to hear from you yesterday. Enjoy your time off from work.

Sis, how are things?

Rory, is it still really cold in Fallen, NV?

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Good Morning,

Mood: Frisky

Music listening to: Shake Your Groove Thang

How is everyone this morning? Well the storm has arrived here in Tucson. I was awakened this morning at 5:00am the sound of rain hitting the house and the awnings. We are under a winter storm warning for most of the day today.

I started the day at 5:00am and I began to care for Chris who is wide awake this morning. The dogs were glad to see me this morning because they knew that they were coming inside. I also had a weird dream this morning that I was being chased by mummies of all things, but they did not catch me. Weird stuff!

I have a few errands to run this morning and we are going to the movies to see the movie called (Milk) with Sean Penn. Later in the day we are going to go out for Mexican food at a place called Leo's with Elise's Mom and the bridge crew. I will be Margaritaville this evening for sure.

I forgot to mention that last Saturday evening we went to see a live showing of (Hair) at the Arizona Theatre Company. It was excellent and it was well done. It even had full frontal nudity both male and female and that caught the audience by surprise or maybe not. The performance got a standing ovation and it was well worth it.

Well, I had better get busy and get this day started. Have a good one.


Good Morning JT,how is the weather in Tempe?

Sandy,in the UK how are things going?

Ross, enjoy the day. Hey that bottle of White Heather Scotch sounds really good. Cheers!

Cher, how are you doing?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Good Night,

Well, it has been another good day, I guess we are on a roll eh? After Brent came to care for Chris, Elise and I went to her book club meeting at a Greek eatery Opa. I had a very nice tea while I people watched while Elise and her group discussed the book that they read.

Afterward we ran some errands and then we went to See's Candies to get a few items for her Mom. Then we went to Starbucks and we had a couple of Frappacino's that were great. We returned home to relieve Brent. Elise made a great dinner that was very good. We had Honey baked turkey slices on bread and covered in turkey gravy, with cranberries it was so good and very filling. We had a pot of hot tea along with it. Afterward I began to care for Chris for the evening.

The weather is changing and the winter storm is starting to move in and Arizona. It is getting cooler and more clouds are coming in right now. Well, I had better get back to Chris and get him all settled for the evening. Have a good night all.


Good Night JT

Good to hear from you Mary.


Good Morning,

Mood: Happy

Music listening to: Vogue by Madonna

How are things? It is a cool 51 degrees right now here in Tucson, but that is suppose to take a dive today with the possibility of rain and snow in the mountains. I started today at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is called all hogs this morning. The coffee is brewing and I am waiting on a cup.

I have to run to my office this morning to turn in some paperwork, but other than that no real plans for today except to work. I may attend Elise's book club meeting with her this afternoon when Brent comes to care for Chris. Maybe afterwards we can stop at Starbucks for a shot of coffee or two. The dogs are stirring about this morning trying to get comfortable while I am posting this entry.

Well, I had better get busy and maybe a cup of yogurt is in order for this morning. Have a great Hump Day all.


Good Morning JT

Jeanne, how are things in the Foothills of Tucson? Are you getting the blog OK now?

Morning Marcie.

Morning Cher.

Ross, stay away from those car washes for $5:00. I will for sure!

Sis, how are you?

Sharon in the UK, what is new?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Good Night

Good Night All,

It has been a very good day and very relaxing. Chris and Elise got their massages today and Chris is very relaxed watching TV right now. Elise fixed a very good dinner and now she is out playing bridge at her Mom's.

It is supposed to start to get colder here tonight and we are supposed to get some snow or rain starting tomorrow, we will see. Well, I had better get back to work. Have a peaceful evening and a better tomorrow.


Good Night JT.

Janice, glad to hear that the surgery went well. You get plenty of rest now.

Guten Tag

Good Morning,

Mood: Blissful

Music listening to: Misty Blue

How is your morning going? I started the day at 5:40am caring for Chris and putting on the coffee. Elise is up and out swimming this morning. No real plans for today as of yet. It is rather warm this morning we may get some rain or some snow up in the mountains.

I forgot to mention that we went to see Bolt in 3D it was pretty good for a cartoon movie. We also saw a movie called The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas. It was excellent and really moving. It was about a young boy in Germany who befriends a young Jewish boy who is in a work camp. They meet and talk daily with a electrified fence between them. A very powerful movie with a lot of content and meaning to it and a very surprising ending that shocked me.

My to-do-list is very short and that means I am getting good or Elise is slipping or giving me a break, smile. Well, I had better get to it, have a good one.


Morning JT.

Erika, good to hear from you guys. You will enjoy Twilight when it comes to Germany.

Ross, you are on a roll. Loved the one about Santa and his toys.

Claudia, how are you guys doing?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ooops Photos

Hello again,

Here are a few photos of our Tempe trip. Enjoy!!


Good Night

Good Night All,

Well the day is coming to a close and it has been a pretty good day I must say. After dinner Elise left to play bridge at her Mom's and I am caring for Chris this evening. It is a bit cool outside this evening and that makes for some good sleeping weather.

I have spent the whole day trying to catch up on things and running a couple of errands. Chris is resting and watching TV. The dogs are inside stretched out on the floor and chair sleeping, they are glad to be inside. Well here are a few photos of our trip to Tempe and a few from Sara's graduation.

Good Night All..................................

Good Night JT.

Rosie it was good to hear from you today and I hope that you get enough rain.

Monna, thank you for the wonderful photos of you and the family, we enjoyed the Christmas card very much.

Claudia, thank you for the wonderful Christmas card.

Laura, how are things going in Wales? Fantastic photos thank you very much.

Rory, stay out of the snow in Fallen, Nevada.

Good Afternoon

Good Afternoon All,

Mood: Happy

Music listening to: Hold On by En vogue

Hey, its has been a long time eh? Smile. We have finally got back into the swing of things at least we hope so. How has everyone been? We have missed you guys. I have so much email to catch up on, I hope that I can get to it all quickly. Well let me tell you about our short trip to Tempe,AZ.

Dec- 10-08

We arrived at the Spring Hill Suites in Tempe at around 4:00pm, but prior to that we dropped Elise's Mom off at her good friend Jody's home. Elise's Mom wanted us to stay for coffee but we couldn't because we had to go to help JT get into a new apartment due to his roommate couldn't keep up with his part of the rental agreement they had set.

The Spring Hill Suites is a very nice place right across from AZ Mills Mall, perfect location. We took a breather and Elise fixed us a Jack and coke, with pretzels and Frito's to munch on. Later at around 5:30pm we went down for happy hour and we got a glass of wine and we enjoyed the snacks that were there.

We returned to our room and we ordered food for delivery from Claim Jumper. The food was very good. We were staying in because we waned to watch the Wildcats play basketball but it did not come on in Tempe. What a disappointment that was, oh well we watched movies on TV while we ate. We had BBQ ribs, baked potatoes, cheese potato cakes, salad, bread. We had a few more Jack and cokes and then we called it a night.

11 Dec 08

Well, we didn't want to get up this morning but we did. I believe we had one too many Jacks last night, smile. We went down to the lobby area for breakfast. We had scrambled eggs, sausages, juice and coffee. I has a small sweet roll that was very good. We returned to our room and Elise is reading the paper, I don't think that she is feeling well. I am on the laptop looking at email.

Later in the evening at about 4:00pm we walked over to the mall and we walked around the mall on the outside for exercise. We went to the movies while we were there and we saw the movie Twilight. It was about a teenage vampire and what he went through to survive. I was a very good movie not what we were expecting at all. Then we went to Borders bookstore to look around and I pick up a book for Elise for her birthday. Then we went to CVS to get some water and a notebook for Elise to write in. We still have not seen JT as of yet due to it is finals week and he is working as well.

We returned to the room and we played a few games on the laptop before we find a place for dinner. We went to Picasso's Pizza for dinner, they have gourmet pizza's and they are so food. We had a medium pizza with pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, black olives and jalapenos. We shared a huge tossed salad and we shared a bottle of red. JT called and said that he was still at work and that he had to work late and that he couldn't not meet us. After dinner we returned to our room and watched TV and then we called it a night.

12 Dec 08

I woke up at 5:30am and o got up. Elise slept until 8:00am. Went down for breakfast and Elise had oatmeal with banana, brown sugar, raisins and skim milk. I had cheese omelets with sausages and a English muffin. We both had coffee and juice. After breakfast we went to make sure that JT's new apartment was going to be ready today and to make sure that we were aware of all of the details concerning the apartment. After that was all said and done we informed JT that his apartment would be ready after 5:00pm today and we laid some ground rules regarding his stay there. Afterward we went to Jody's to pick up Elise's Mom so that we could go to Sara's graduation from the Fire Academy.

The ceremony for Sara's graduation was excellent but a bit long in the speech department. I took a few photos while we were there and I will include them in the next blog entry. I made a bet with Elise that her sister Ann and crew would be late but I lost this time. Afterward we said our good-byes and we headed to Tucson. We stopped on the way at a McDonald's to grab a bite to eat. We got back into Tucson and took Elise's Mom home and then we left for home as well, it is about midnight. It was a very good trip even though we didn't get to see JT at all and that was disappointing but it could not be helped. Like always we love our trips but it is always feels good to be back home.


Hi Herman, no we didn't get to see JT at all.

Pearl, no we didn't get to see JT.

Sis, how are things?

Janice, how did the surgery go?

Marcie, how are you?

Ross, what's new?

Rosie, what's new?

Happy Birthday Mary!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Good Morning,

Mood: Concerned, Hesitant

Music listening to: Don't Leave Me This Way by Thelma Houston

I started today at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is still sawing logs this morning. I am waiting on the coffee to finish brewing. We are all packed and ready to go to Tempe this afternoon. Brent will be here at around 12:00pm to care for Chris.

Elise and I are going to go out to breakfast this morning to a place called Let's Eat. It is a very small place but the food is pretty good and it is always packed with people. When we return from breakfast I will get the Prius fluids topped off and check the tire pressure as well. We will have our laptop with us so we can keep in touch and add to our blog as well. We have our camera and we will take a few photos if we don't for get to do so.

Well, the coffee is done and I will crawl over to get a cup. It is Hump Day so have a good one all.


Morning JT.

Marcie, how are you this morning?

Mary, how are you guys doing?

Ross, anything new around your way?

Rosie, what is the happening Down Under?

Claudia, what is new in Texas?

Erika, how are things in Germany?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Good Night

Good Night All,

Well,it has been another pretty good day. We hope that it has been a good one for you as well? Chris is doing just great today and he is excited about something because he is not a bit sleepy as of yet.

Elise just got back from her book club meeting at Luna Bella. She brought back dinner for me which consisted of risotto, bread, chicken parm, and veggies. I also has some flan and cookies. Of course I washed it all down with a glass of red.

We are all packed and ready for our trip to Tempe. It should be a good short trip for us and Elise's Mom. Well, I had better get Chris settled and ready for dreamland. Have a good night all.


Good Night JT talk at you tomorrow in Tempe.

Mary you are on a roll tonight.

Marcie, any better?

Sis, how are you?

Herman, thank you again for helping us with our Tempe trip.


Good Morning,

Mood: Energetic

Music listening to: Party Like It's 1999 by Prince

How goes it? Well it is very windy here in the desert this morning. I started the day at 5:30am caring for Chris. I have my coffee cup in hand and the coffee is very good. Elise is up and out swimming this morning.

As soon as I get Chris settled and relaxed I will be heading out to get that haircut that I was going to get yesterday. No real plans for today and that is a good thing. We will finish up with our packing today for our trip to Tempe tomorrow.

Have a good morning all and enjoy the day.


Good Morning JT, we will be at the Spring Hill Suites tomorrow evening around 6:00pm.

Marcie, glad that you are feeling better.

Janice, you are in our prayers as always. Wishing you the best with your surgery this morning.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...