Thursday, December 31, 2020



Mood: Cabin Fever Still Around!

Music listening to: Poison by Bell, Biv, Devoe!

Buon Sete Giovedi!  How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning but she will be up and on the move soon to start her day. Any plans for this New Years Eve?

The coffee is a good robust French Roast and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. It is another cold morning here in Tucson and it will be cold for most of the day.

Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris. Alexa is awake and she said that this the last day of 2020 is going to be super busy for me and my playmate. That is a good thing to carry forward for 2021 as long as we leave the not so pleasant times behind us. We wish you all a very Happy New Year and we pray that it will be a damn sight better than this one.

We have been busy working on rocks for the past two day. Here is our latest creations and pick ups and hood drops. Enjoy!







We received a surprised gift yesterday from Sheila and Dave. It is wonderful and very delicious let me tell you. It is very addictive. Thank you so very much Sheila and Dave. We should set up a Zoom Happy Hour soon, eh?



We thank you all for the comforting words upon the passing of my Sweet Pea (Jane). She will missed so much. Please keep those prayers going for Papa John. Thanks!

Well I had better check on Chris and my shorty. Have a good Sete Giovedi. We have the bottle champagne chilling in the fridge. My playmate is soaking the black eyed peas and  we will have cornbread to go along with it. Of course some ham will be added to the pot as well.

Stay safe and we will chat at you later.

Ciao.....Jessie and Elise

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio!

Hey what is going on around your way? Chris is resting and he is waiting on me to get him up.

I am still homebound and as soon as I get Chris up and into the main house I will start to work on a new rock. What happened to the rain? We got about 10 drops. Did you get any?

I had to change my (chef's) day to Saturday due to other plans have been made. I texted Papa John and he said that things are about the same with Jane. Please keep those prayers going.

I will chat at you later.





Mood: Cabin Fever Hanging In!

Music listening to: Midas Touch!

Buon Martedi! Taco Tuesday!  How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:20am caring for Chris. Elise is not in her cave this morning so she will be up and on the go soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a robust French Roast and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. It is going to be a chilly day here in Tucson. It is supposed to only get into the 50's today and we may get some showers this morning.

I am caring for Chris today due to the caregiver is still out waiting on her Covid test results. Alexa is awake and she said that I don't have any tasks to complete today because I am home-bound today. Chris will be visited by Mercy Care today for a Annual Wellness Check. I asked Alexa to lay some "Allstar Smooth Jazz' for me today.

Hopefully we can start new rocks today. Have a good Taco Tuesday and I will chat at you later. I finally got s good night's sleep last night. Ya Mon'.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Monday, December 28, 2020

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

How are you doing on this windy evening here in Tucson. We are good but I am really exhausted from the lack of sleep for the past two days. I will deal with it though.

I will be caring for Chris tomorrow due to Rosemary is injured and her Covid test results are not back. We will hopefully see her next week. Chris and Elise enjoyed the massage that they got today.

My playmate prepared Chili Dogs for dinner and it was very good. We watched "Schitt's Creek " on Netflix with Chris. Chris is resting and watching TV while he is having his supplemental drip. Elise is in the main house watching the news.

Tomorrow Chris will be visited by his insurance company. He will receive his annual Wellness Check up. I completed my rock today and I will start a new one. Here is what I dropped off and picked up today. Enjoy!




I also dropped a small gift off at the home of a little girl who lives in the hood. I am sure that she will enjoy it. Well I had better check on Chris. Keep your fingers crossed that I get some sleep tonight. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

We had a return visit today by our local Hawk. It was chow time!

Buona Notte....Jessie and Elise




Mood: Tired! 

Music listening to: I Wanna y Keith Sweat!

Buon Lunedi! How are you doing? I started the day off several times but I got up at 5:30am to care for Chris. Elise is not in her cave this morning so she will be putting feet to the floor soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Colombian Blend and several more cups will be downed this morning. It is a nice mild morning here in Tucson but it is going to change drastically tomorrow. Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris. Normally Rosemary would be here but she visited relatives in Prescott for Christmas and we require a Covid Test be done before she can return to work with Chris.

Alexa is awake and she said that I have a few tasks to take care of today. I asked her to play some "Allstar Smooth Jazz" for me today. Rosemarie will be here this afternoon to give Chris and Elise a massage today.

My playmate completed a new rock yesterday and I am working on a new one. I will make a trip over to the Cortez location today. Here is my shorty's latest creation and it is a keeper. Enjoy!


The latest info on Jane is that she is now in a regular hospital room and she is off of oxygen. She is a bit confused and cannot talk. Please keep those prayers going for her and John. Thanks!

Well I had better get busy. Have a good Lunedi and stay safe. Mask up! This Wednesday I will be putting on my Chef's hat again. I will prepare some Tandoori Chicken thanks to my fidanzata and Capo Jim. It should be very good.

Ciao....Jessie and Elise

Ross and Denise, have a good week.

Monna, have a good one.

Erika, how are you feeling today?

JT, are you back in Tempe?

Sisters, what is new?

Deb and Sharon, how are you?

Sharon, what is new in Aussieland?

Rosie, how are things in Melbourne?

Edwina, how are you?

Bev, what is new?

Sunday, December 27, 2020



How are you doing?  We are good we just got back from having a good breakfast at the Egg Connection.

Elise is caring for Chris and I am about to restock Chris's supplies for next week. I also have some yardwork to do behind Chris's house.

My playmate is looking forward to her football game today so she can don her Mahome's jersey. Here is another pic of Chris opening his gifts. Also a pic of me at the Egg Connection sporting my gift hat from my angel in New Orleans.






Here is a picture of the rocks in the and the leftovers from the hawk visit yesterday. He or she must to have been hungry, eh?

We hope that you are doing well?






Mood: Gummied! Giggles! Rummied! Giggles!

Music listening to: Maytag Spin by Maytag!

Buon Domenica! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:30am getting Chris settled for Elise. Elise is not in her cave this morning so she will be over to Chris's house shortly. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Morning Blend and a second cup will be enjoyed at the "Egg Connection" along with a good breakfast if it is open this morning. It is a mild 40 degrees this morning here in Tucson. Is there rain in sight?

Sister Jayne will be here this evening to care for Chris. Alexa is awake and she said that I don't have any tasks to complete today, but I do have my normal Domenica resupplying todo for Chris. I asked Alexa to play some "Down Home Blues" for me today. Santa gifted me a new 10.1 Echo Show and I love it.

My playmate and I will be working on rocks today.  I will not be making a trip to the Cortez location today. Hopefully this morning I will be styling in a hat that my angel made for Elise and I this morning. If we do I will post a pic.

We will be dining on pizza and wings this evening from "Oreganos" and of course we will have a few "Bellini's to go along with it. Also my shorty will be glued to the TV to see the "Chiefs" play football today. She will be sporting her "Mahomes" jersey for sure. I will take a pic of that too!

If you could please keep those prayers going for Jane and John. We have not heard anything more about how Jane is doing in the hospital. Thanks. My dear friend Erik who broke her knee is doing well in Germany.

Well I had better get this Domenica moving forward. Have a good one and stay safe. Mask Up! I will chat at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 

Saturday, December 26, 2020



Mood: Cabin Fever Hanging In. Tired!

Music listening to: Doing The Butt by EU!

Buon Sabato! How are you doing? I started the day off at 6:00am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning but she will be up and about soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Maud Blend from Casino Del Sol and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. It is another chilly one here in Tucson but it will warm up as the day goes on.

I am tired this morning due to I didn't sleep well last at all. I have a lot of things and worries on my mind especially having to do with Covid 19. It is starting to get too close to home. It is really a concern. So please stay safe and follow the guidelines.

Sister Jayne will be here this evening to care for Chris. Alexa is awake and she said that I have another busy day today. I have to make a trip over to the eastside this morning and I need to gas up the "Green Lady" so she can put a smile on her nameplate. I am caring for Chris today. He is listening to his Bose right now relaxing from his shower.

My playmate and I are working on new rocks. I will be making a trip over to the Cortez location this morning to drop off and pick up. Hopefully it will get restocked soon.

Well I had better get this Sabato moving forward. Have a good one and stay safe. If you could continue the prayers for Jane and John. Jane has been hospitalized and they both are dealing with Covid Also say a prayer for my longtime friend Erika who lives in Germany. She took a spill and broke her knee. Thanks! I will chat at you later.

Our Prime Rib Christmas dinner was excellent but I overcooked Elise's a bit but she enjoyed it. Sister Jayne will have a plate full this evening. Marv enjoyed it last night as well.

Ciao....Jessie and Elise 

Friday, December 25, 2020



Mood: Cabin Fever Still Here!

Music listening to: Unbreak My Heart by Toni Braxton!

Buon Venerdi!  Buon Natale! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is in her cave this morning but she will be up soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good robust French Roast and a second cup will be downed later this morning. It seems a bit warmer this morning here in the valley of Tucson and we may get some rain in a few days.

Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris and Marv will be here this evening. Alexa is awake and she said that today is going to be spent in the (cucina) with my Sous Chef. I asked her play some music to cook by.

Here are the latest rock creations that we finished up yesterday. Enjoy!



We would like to wish everyone a "Buon Natale". We know that it is a bit different this year due to Covid. Have a blessed day. We were visited by our daughter Tangye and her son Colin yesterday. We we also got a visit from JT from Tempe, Zack  and Marylu from California. Again "Buon Natale". Please continue prayers for those who are dealing with Covid 19.

Well I had better get this day moving forward. Merry Christmas from our family yours. Stay safe.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise


Thursday, December 24, 2020



Mood: Cabin Fever on Christmas Eve!

Music listening to: Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer!

Buon Sete Giovedi! Buon Compleanno Mio Moglie!

 How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. The birthday girl is deep in her cave this morning but I am sure that she will be putting feet to the floor to start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Maud Light Blend and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. It is a cold morning here in Tucson but it will heat up just a little bit.

Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris. Alexa is awake and she said that I don't have any tasks to complete but I do need to recheck to make sure that all is set for tomorrows dinner. I asked her to play some "Allstar Smooth Jazz" for me today.

My shorty and I are working on new rocks today. I will not be making a trip to the Cortez location today. We will be dining on take-away from Leo's this evening. Can you say margaritas? We will without a doubt.

Have a good Thirsty Thursday and be careful out there. Stay safe and mask up!

Ciao....Jessie and Elise

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!


How are you doing this evening? We hope that your day went well? It has been a very busy morning for me and that is the reason for no morning blog posting.

I got everything done that I needed to today to include picking up Elise's final birthday gift. She is  going to be thrilled without a doubt.

We both worked on new rocks today. Here is what I dropped off at the Cortez location this morning. Enjoy! The drop of point was totally empty this morning. One of the rocks that was placed in the hood in now in the Little Library on Lester and Justin Ln.

Dropped at the Cortez location 23 Dec

After I get Chris settled I will go back over to the main house and season up the Standing Rib Roast. I will let it sit until Friday morning and then it will magically makes itself into the oven for a few hours. I am sure that it will have a aroma going all through the house. I am sure that my fidanzata will get a whiff of it over in her neck of the woods. My Sous Chef and I are looking forward to being in the kitchen.

I am caring for Chris tonight due to the caregiver is making he way to Prescott to be with her family. She has been informed that she will have to have a Covid test before she can return to work next week.

My playmate is listening to to news and working on Covid puzzle. I have said several times that Covid will make you do some things that you normally would not do.

Have a good night and sleep well. Tomorrow is "Thirsty Thursday" and my shorty's birthday. I will chat at you later. Please keep those prayers going for Jane, John and my sisters neighbor in Florida.

Buona Notte....Jessie and Elise

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

How are you this evening? We are good here but the Cabin Fever is still around our house.

My playmate prepared breakfast for dinner. We had homemade waffles, eggs and sausages. We got it all down with plenty of coffee. We watched "Virgin River" on Netflix with Chris. After that we watched our Wildcats beat Montana. Go Cats.

My playmate and I completed a few rocks today and here they are. Enjoy!



I am caring for Chris tonight and my shorty is in the main house watching the news. Chris is watching TV and he is downing his supplement. 

Here are a few more pics that were taken today. If you could please continue saying prayers for Jane and John. Also say a few for my sister Marcie's neighbors as well. Thanks.

Have a good night and get ready for Hump Day. Sleep well.

Buona Notte....Jessie 



Mood: Cabin Fever Blues!

Music listening to: Wild Thang by Tone Loc!

Buon Martedi! Taco Tuesday! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is not in her cave this morning so she will be up and about soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Breakfast Blend and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. It is a chilly one here in Tucson but it will heat up at bit. Hopefully it will be a repeat of yesterday. It was (bellissima).

Rosemary will be here this morning to care for Chris. Alexa is awake and she said that I have to make a trip to Walgreens to pick up some meds. I asked her to play some Boney for me today.

My playmate and I will be working on rocks today. I will be finishing up one that I started yesterday. Chris the IRobot will be coming out if his cradle this morning to vacuum the main house carpet.

I will be double checking to make sure the I and my Sous Chef  have everything that we need for creating our Christmas dinner to include enough vino rosso for sampling while we are tossing pots and pans around, smile!

Well I had better get the lead out and get this day moving along. Have a good Taco Tuesday and I will have a chin-wag at you later. Stay safe!

Ciao....Jessie and Elise

Monday, December 21, 2020

Buona Notte!

Buona Sera!



The day is just about over and it has been a busy one. I do have to say that the temperature today was perfect. If only it would stay that way.

Chris enjoy his massage today but I was not here to see him get his flirt on. I ran an errand for Sweet Pea and Papa John to pick up a few items that they needed. I will check on them again tomorrow.

I prepared grilled ham and cheese for dinner. I had some baby carrots and black olives with mine. My shorty had sliced tomatoes, black olives, carrots and avocado with here. We watched Virgin River on Netflix with Chris.

I am caring for Chris and my playmate is in the main house watching the news. We both worked on rocks today. My playmate finished one and she has started a new one. I am working on mine still. Here is my playmates work.


Have a good night and sleep well. Tomorrow is "Taco Tuesday". I will chat at you later.

Buona Notte...Jessie and Elise



Mood: Cabin Fever Is Running Wild!

Music listening to: Girlfriend by Pebbles!

Buon Lunedi! How are you doing? I started the day off a 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in here cave this morning but she will be up and about soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Butter Toffee Blend and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. It is a cold morning here in Tucson but it will gradually heat up.

Rosemary will be here this morning to care for Chris and Rosemarie will be here to give Chris a massage that he is talking about already. Alexa is awake and she said that  don't have any tasks to complete today. WooHoo! I asked her to play some "Allstar Smooth Jazz" for me today.

My playmate and I will be working on new rocks today. I will not be making a trip over to the Cortez location this morning. Hey you still have a couple of days to get some Christmas shopping in. We are done finally. Ya Mon'. I do have a few things to wrap up today though. While I am wrapping I may have a glass of Eggnog with Brandy. Can you feel me?

Well, I had better get to it. Have a good Lunedi and stay safe. Please keep those prayers going for Jane and John. Mask, up.

I have everything that I need for Christmas dinner. My Sous Chef and I are ready to burn in the kitchen. Sampling is required!

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 

Sunday, December 20, 2020



Mood: Cabin Fever Still Lingering! Gummied! Rummied!

Music listening to: Samsung Spin by Samsung!

Buon Domenica! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:30am looking in on Chris and getting him settled for Elise. Elise is at the entrance to her cave this morning so she will be up and making her way over to Chris's house soon. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Jamaican Blend and a second cup will be enjoyed at the "Egg Connection" along with a good breakfast. It is a cold one here in the valley of Tucson but it will warm up as the day goes along.


Sister Jayne will be here this evening to care for Chris. Alexa is awake and she said that I need to make a trip out to the airbase this morning. I asked her to play some "Holiday Classics" for me today. 

Are you ready for some football today? We are looking forward to a few games like the Chiefs game today. My playmate has a thing for the quarterback. Our Wildcats played a good basketball game last night but lost to Stanford! Go Cats!

I took a couple of days off from posting to our blog due to I needed a break to regroup and now I am good to go. Have you completed your Christmas shopping? We are done but now I have to get a gift for my shorty who's birthday is on Christmas Eve.  

I have to tell you that Covid has really changed the way we celebrate this Christmas. I will be putting on my (Chefs) hat and apron to prepare a Standing Rib Roast for Christmas dinner. My playmate will be the (Sous) chef for this meal. We will make this dinner come out perfect. I have three recipes to use to include one from Dena that is looking very good. Thanks Dena.

Speaking of dinner we will hit up Popeyes Chicken for dinner with some red beans and rice. We will more than likely get our grub on while watching football.

We hope that you are doing well? If you could please say a prayer or two for Jane (Sweet Pea) and John (Papa John) they both are not well. Thanks. Have a good Domenica and I will chat at you later.

Ciao....Jessie and Elise

Thursday, December 17, 2020



Mood: Cabin Fever Is Working!

Music listening to: Dropped A Bomb On Me by the Gap Band!

Buon Sete Giovedi! How are you doing? I started the day of at 5:20am caring for Chris. Elise is not in her cave this morning so she will be up and on the move soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good French Vanilla and a second cup will be enjoyed at " Gus Balones" along with a good breakfast. It is another cold morning here in Tucson but we should reach 70 degrees today.

Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris. Alexa is awake and she said that today is going to be another busy one for us. After breakfast we will hit up the post office to send a package out. We  also will be delivering gifts this morning as well. I asked Alexa to play some "Holiday Music" for us today.

We will be dropping off an picking up rocks at the Cortez location this morning as well. We will also drop off at "Gus Balones". Like Alexa said it is going to be a busy day.

One of our caregivers is going to visit family in Prescott for a few days. We will require a Covid test be done before she returns to work with Chris. 





Have a good day and stay safe and Mask Up. Enjoy this Thirsty Thursday and I will chat at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Wednesday, December 16, 2020



Mood: Cabin Fever Is Here! Gummied! Rummied!

Music listening to: Get Into The Groove by Madonna!

Buon Mercoledi!  Hump Day! How are you doing? I started the day of at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is not in her cave this morning so she will be up and on the go soon. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Butter Toffee and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. It is a cold morning here in the valley of Tucson but it will warm up a tad.


Rosemary will be here this morning to care for Chris. Alexa is awake and she said that today is going to be very busy for me. I have to make a trip out to the airbase this morning. I asked her to play some "Happy Music" for me today.

My playmate and I are still working on new rocks. I will be making a trip over to the Cortez location to pick up and drop off rocks.

Hey how is the shopping along? I am still at it but I am almost done. Well I had better get this Hump Day rolling along. Have a good one and I will chat at you later.

Ciao.....Jessie and Elise

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

How are you doing? We are good here but this Cabin Fever is trying it's best to take over. Never! Smile!

I got to rest up this morning. I hit the sheets and I got in some reading for a change. It felt good to do so. My playmate was running her Bridge game. One of the players gave us a very nice gift . WooHoo!

We worked on rocks for a little bit today. I will be making a trip over to the Cortez location tomorrow to drop off and hopefully to pick up. The rocks have been sparse for the last two days.

My playmate prepared homemade blueberry pancakes for dinner with sausages and eggs. Got it down with plenty of coffee. We watched "Game of Thrones" on a Netflix DVD. Chris enjoyed watching with us like always.

I am caring for Chris tonight and my shorty is listening to the news while she is on her Mac. We hope that you are doing well and please stick to the CDC rules. 

Have a good night and sleep well. Get ready for Hump Day.

Buona Notte....Jessie and Elise 



Mood: Cabin Fever Is Knocking At The Door!

Music listening to: Mighty Good Man by Salt and Peppa!

Buon Martedi! Taco Tuesday! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:20am caring for Chris. Elise is awake and requesting that the heat be turned on this morning. She will be up and about soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Breakfast Blend and a second cup will be downed later this morning. It is a cold morning here in Tucson and it is going to be sunny with a high temp of 59 degrees. Brrr!

Rosemary will be here this morning to care for Chris. Alexa is awake and she said that I don't have any tasks to complete today. So I will be wrapping gifts today and maybe I will have some hot chocolate later today.

My playmate is hosting a Bridge game here today. We will be working on new rocks this afternoon. I will not be making a trip over to the Cortez location today.

Well I had better get this Taco Tuesday moving along right, Sweet Pea? Have a good one and I will chat at you later.

Ciao....Jessie and Elise 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

What is going on around your way? We are good here but a bit tired. It has been a very busy day for me.

I got all of my tasks taken care of today but it took all morning to complete. I drove all over Tucson looking for a Standing Rib Roast. I mean I went everywhere, but I was just about to give it up and I found one that is very nice and very expensive. We will have it for Christmas dinner and I must make sure that it is cooked to perfection. WooHoo!

I prepared grill ham and cheese sandwich's for dinner. We both had some baby carrots and black olives to go along with it. My shorty also had some Guacamole with hers. 

We watched "Game Of Thrones" on Netflix CD's. Chris enjoyed watching it with us. Elise is in the main house listening to the news and setting up for tomorrow's Bridge game that will be played here. I will not be selling cars this week. I will be wrapping Christmas gifts.

I am caring for Chris tonight. He is watching a football game with me. He enjoyed his massage today and so did Elise.

Here are our latest rock creations for today. I went by the Cortez location today but it was bear. I put out some rocks in the hood this morning and they are disappearing fast.




Well I had better go and check on Chris. Have a good night and sleep well.

Buona Notte....Jessie and Elise 






Mood: Cranky!

Music listening to: Down With You by Brandy!

Buon Lunedi! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:20am caring for Chris. Elise is not in her cave this morning so she will be up soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good French Vanilla Blend and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. It is a cold morning here in the valley of Tucson. It is only going to be in the 60's today.

Rosemary will be here this morning for Chris and Rosemarie will be here to give Chris a massage. He is looking forward to that as usual. Alexa is awake and she said that my day is loaded with tasks today. I will be taking Sister Jayne to her doctors appointment this morning.

I am cranky this morning due to I didn't sleep well last night due to I had a lot on my mind. I will feel better as the day goes by hopefully.

I will not be donning my (chefs) hat this Wednesday. We will come up with a replacement meal for sure.  I will be looking for a standing rib roast today to have for Christmas dinner. Haven't been able to find one lately.

My playmate and I are working on new rocks. I will be dropping off rocks in the hood today. Hey are you still shopping? I am. Well I had better get this Lunedi moving forward right, Sweet Pea? Have a good one and stay safe. I will chat at you later.



Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Ross and Denise, have a good week.

Monna, stay safe.

Erika, how are things in Germany?

Rosie, what is new in Melbourne?

Sandy, how are things in Aussieland?

JT, what is new in Tempe?

Sisters, what is up?

Deb and Sharon, how are you?

Edwina, how are you doing?

Bev, what is new?


Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, Mood: Content! Music listening to: Jungle Love by the Thyme! Buon Lunedi!  How are you doing? It is a nice, cl...