Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve!

New Years Eve!

    How are you doing? Only a few more hours and it will be 2014. I started the day off at 4:40am caring for Chris. Elise is in slumber land but she will be up and making a move soon.

    It is a very nice day out here in the Old Pueblo. Sunny and pleasant. Elise is preparing those black eyed peas and cornbread. We will have some rice to go along with it. Can you here the bubbly popping?

   Angelica is here to care for Chris today. Bobby will be by later for dinner and we will play various games on the "Wii". Elise and I are watching our "Wildcats" play in their bowl game against Boston. We are kicking butt! Go Cats!

    We would like to wish all of our family, friends, a very Happy New Year. We hope and pray that this one will be a damn sight better than last year.

    We would also like to wish my brother Herman and his lovely wife Donna a very Happy Anniversary. 32 years of love and togetherness. Wow, it seems just like yesterday.

    Have a wonderful evening and bring in the New Year correct.
Love you all! Thank you from making this past year a good one for us.
Jessie,Elise,Chris,Lambchop and Buttercup.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Good Night!

Good Night!

How was your day? It was a pretty good one here in Tucson. Chris and I relaxed, watched TV, listened to a few tunes, we just chilled all day long.

We also looked through the many movie choices on the Roku 2. I love it and I am sure that Elise gets a kick out of it. She has been playing Poker and Blackjack on it. Smile!

Elise prepared breakfast for dinner this evening. We had cornbread pancakes, sausages, eggs and good coffee. Tomorrow it will be black eyed peas with ham, cornbread and plenty of champagne is chillin' in the fridge right now.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a great evening.
Cheers....Jessie and Elise

Jet, you get some rest.

Tiger, you get better soon.

Marcie, sleep well and don't wake up late tomorrow.

Jane and John, have a good night.

Loraine, I agree with you that is a very nice hat that Jonny is wearing. Sleep well.

Shoo and Stu, 1,2, 3, you got beat-down.

Flo and John, stay safe.


Here  is a short video that I took on Christmas Day. It is not my best work and I don't know what happened to the sound.



What is going on? Things are going well so far for a Monday,smile! Well, my Elise finally got up and she is moving slowly this morning. No more "Gin Rummy" games for her in awhile, (NOT).

Bobby, have a good time at the DDC and good luck.

Loraine, the book will be finished at the end of March 2014. I started it in April of 2013. I have to tell you it is a lot of work.

Well, here are a few pics from Christmas in Bisbee, AZ.

It's A Monday!

Good Morning!            
My sister-in-law Ann.

Mood: Rummy-fied!

Music listening to: Smooth Criminal by MJ

    It's a Monday! What's up? I started the day off at 4:45am caring for Chris. Elise is not in her cave this morning and she is sleeping soundly. She may not be getting up early this morning, she has been Rummi-fied, smile! Any plans for today?

    The coffee is good and hot. No smoothie or salad today. I think I will get my grub on big time for the remaining days of 2013. I will resume my smoothies and salads on 1 Jan 2014. Can you feel me?

    Elise and I had a very good breakfast at the "Egg Connection" yesterday. We also played a few games of ping pong and I lost each game. We also played games on the "Wii" and you guessed it I lost there as well. What's up with that?

     We were going to go to the movies yesterday but I wanted to go out to the DDC to get our perks and to have dinner at the buffet for the last time in 2013.

     Well, I am glad that we did. The food was great, the perks were good as well. Our slot play was fantastic, let me tell  you. We won $1500.00. WooHoo! Now that is a way to end the year at the DDC. It makes me feel like 2014 is going to be an exceptional year for us. I know that my year with Elise is going to be loaded with fun, charms, stay-cations, trips, and huge amounts of "Gin Rummy" and many more fun games. Right Jane and  John? Smile

     Well, I had better go and check on Chris and see if Elise is still in a Rummy stupor. Have a great day.
Later....Jessie and Elise

Tiger, we hope that you start to feel better soon.

Marcie, Jet have a good day and stay safe.

Loraine, glad to hear that you enjoyed the holiday.

Jane and John, you are behind and you need to catch up!

Shoo and Stu, practice, practice and get ready for an old fashioned beat-down.

Flo and John, have a great day.

Mary and Bob, what are you up to?

Bobby, good luck at the DDC! Cha Ching!

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Good Morning!            
Christmas Loot!

Mood: Relaxed!

Music listening to: Kiss by Prince

    It's a Sunday! How are you? I started the day off at 4:45am getting Chris settled for Elise. Elise will be over shortly to care for Chris. Any plans for today?

    The coffee is good this morning . Elise and I are going to hit up the "Egg Connection" for breakfast this morning.

     We went to see the movie "Wolf of Wall Street" last night and it was very good. It is a very long movie but it had your attention all the way through. Great acting.

     When  Rosemary arrives this evening we are going to see the movie "Mandela". While Elise is caring for Chris today, I will be getting some yard work done behind Chris's house and a few other chores as well.

      I have finally gotten all of the Christmas pics together and loaded so be on the lookout for them as well. 

      Well, had better get busy and get ready for breakfast. Have a great day.
Later...Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good day.

Loraine, what's up?

Jane and John, how are you?

Shoo and Stu, we are thinking about a game of "Mahjong" . How about you?

Mary and Bob, have a good one.

Liz, how are you?

Flo and John, stay well.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

It's The Weekend!

Good Morning!

Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Reunited by Peaches and Herb

   It's the Weekend! What is new? I started the day off at 4:45am caring for Chris. Elise is in her cave this morning and she is not making a sound, not even purring. She will be up and about soon. Any plans for today?

    The coffee is good and my banana smoothie is in the fridge. I will prepare a small salad for later in the day. Bobby will be here this morning to care for Chris and Rosemary will be here this evening.

    Elise and I are going to run an errand this morning while Bobby is here. We are also going to the movies later in the day.

     We went to see the movie "American Hustle" it is very good and it is loaded with a lot of twists and turns. Santa brought me a "Roku 2" and I really do like it. I can stream just about anything now and Elise can play Poker and other games on it. Elise is better at Poker than I am by a long shot, smile!

    Well, I had better get busy. Have a great day and stay safe and healthy.
Later....Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good one.

Loraine, always a pleasure o hear from you.

Jane and John, what is new?

Shoo and Stu, how are you?

Monna, what is new?

Flo and John, have a great day.

Mary and Bob, what is new?

Ross and Denise, have a good weekend?

Rosie, how are things in Melbourne?

Olivia, how are things in GA?

Friday, December 27, 2013


Good Morning!

Mood: Rummied! Relaxed!Rested!

Music listening to: Secret by Madonna

    TGIF! How are you doing? I started the day off at 4:45am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning and she is not making a sound at all. A game of "Gin Rummy" will do that for sure,smile! Any plans for today?

    The coffee is perfect and a small salad is in the works along with a nice extra thick chocolate smoothie. Sounds really good,eh?

    Well, I am still going through the Christmas pics. I had no idea I took so many. The two videos are too large and that makes me sad.

     Elise and I went to see the movie " Saving Mr. Banks" this is an excellent movie starring Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson. Wow, this movie should win a few awards it is that good. Emma Thompson is superb. You could hear the hankies coming out to cover up the sniffles. Even Elise drop of few tears as well,smile! Go see it!

      Later in the evening we had and extended Christmas with Bobby, Rosemary, and Chris. We opened a few more gifts to close out the Christmas for us. 

      I received a very nice coffee cup from Rosemary that is big enough to hold half a pot of coffee. I love it. Bobby got me a very nice surprise, a Smoothie Bible book. Wow, what an array of choices for me to experiment with. We all watched Chris open his gifts and that is always a pleasure.

     Bobby, Elise and I had dinner last night at "Cody's Beef and Bean. The food is always good there. Elise and I are going to hit the movies again this evening after Marv arrives to care for Chris.

     So bare with me the pics will be posted soon. I am still have puter problems for some reason. Have a great day and stay safe.
Later....Jessie and Elise

Tiger,Marcie, Jet have  a good one.

Loraine,how are you?

Jane and John, behave. Do you like the three "R's"?

Shoo and Stu, enjoy the day.

Flo and John, have a great day.

Olivia, how are you?

Rosie, what is going on in Melbourne?

Ross and Denise, how are things in Sydney?

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Mood: In recovery!

Music listening to: Wind blowing in the trees.

   It's a Thirsty Thursday! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is up and on her way to the gym. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is good and hot this morning. Elise is back at home due to the gym is closed. So she gets her breakfast and she reads the Arizona Daily Star. 

    Angelica is here caring for Chris this morning and Rosemary will be here this afternoon. Oops, Elise has hit the sheets again and she is guiding travelers on I-10 with wind and gust warnings. Her siren is really loud right now, smile!

    We have a ton of pics to post from our stay cation in Bisbee. We are going to go to the movies this afternoon if Elise wakes up in time, smile.

     We hope that your Christmas was a good one?
Later....Jessie and Sleeping Beauty.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Good Morning!

Mood: Rummied!

Music listening to: Static

    It's a Sunday! How are you? I started the day off at 4:45am looking in on Chris and getting him settled for Elise. Elise is deep in her cave this morning and she is purring away, but she will be up soon to care for Chris. Any plans for today?

    The coffee is very good this morning , nice and hot. I am working on my laptop this morning due to the desktop is acting up again. I will try to solve the problem a little later in the day.

     Elise and I are going to the "Egg Connection" this morning for breakfast. Later in the evening after Rosemary arrives to care for Chris we are going to visit Bucky and Dena.

     We had a wonderful evening and dinner last night with Paula and Marty in "Rio Rico. The food was great and so were the margaritas. Excellent choice Paula and Marty. Thank you for a good evening.

     We will be packing up our suitcases for our trip to Bisbee today. We are will be visiting Elise's sister Ann and family for Christmas. Bobby will be here caring for Chris due to he will not be making the trip this year with us. I am sure that their will be a different feel with him not being there.

      Well, I had better get busy and get ready for breakfast. Have a great Sunday and enjoy.
Later.....Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet stay safe.

Loraine, how are you?

Jane and John, be good.

Shoo and Stu, have a great day.

Flo and John, be careful.

Monna, how are you?

Herman, enjoy Richmond!

Olivia, what is new in the GA?

Mary and Bob, stay safe.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

It's The Weekend!

Good Morning!     

Mood: Chillin'

Music listening to: Traffic going by.

     It's the Weekend! How are you doing? I started the day off at 4:45am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning and it looks like she is hibernating on this first day of winter. I bet that she will come out to see the gym this morning. What do you think? Any plans for today?

     The coffee is good and hot this morning. I will prepare a small salad a little later this morning. I am thinking about a hot toddy right now with a lot of toddy in it, smile! Bobby will be here this morning to care for Chris.

     Elise and I had pizza and cervazas for dinner last night. Elise made a gluten-free one and I tried a Papa Murphy's pizza and it was very, very good. We stayed in and we watched "Mad Men" on DVD. A very relaxing evening, that we can always use.

     We are going out to dinner with Paula and Marty this evening in Rio Rico. It should be a very interesting evening. I hope that I can say "margarita por favor"? Smile.

      Well, I got some sad news this morning from one of my epals. My epal from Georgia informed me that her husbands sister passed away and that the funeral is today. Cancer got the best of her. We send our deepest condolences to the family.

      On a good note my brother Herman and family are heading for Virginia to spend the holidays with his in-laws and that is wonderful.

      Well, I better go and see what I can get into. Have a great weekend.

       Oh Yeah! I want to thank my girlfriend (Charlotte) for the delicious tray of treats and cookies. It is good to have a few (girlfriends, eh?) As long as Elise knows who they are it is all good.
Later......Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie,Jet stay safe.

Loraine, have a great day.

Jane and John,behave.

Paula and Marty, see you this evening.

Flo and John,stay warm.

Shoo and Stu, have a good one.

Rosie, what is new in Melbourne?

Ross and Denise, stay cool if you can.

Mary and Bob, have a great day. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Do You Know Jack?


     How are you doing? Well, I think that I am back on track. Chris and I have been working on this desktop instead of selling cars today. 
     Yes, Elise is hosting a Marathon Bridge game this afternoon. Man, and there is a Mercedes two door out front. Cha Ching! I missed out again. I have been working so hard to get our blog back out that I missed seeing my girlfriend Lila.

     I know that is going to upset her and I am prepared for a beat-down the next time I see her. Of course my Elise is going to be rolling on the floor laughing for sure.

     We had a wonderful evening of laughs, good food, great drinks and more laughs at "Claim Jumper "  on Wednesday evening. We were joined by Papa John, Jane, Shoo and Stu. It was so much fun to be with them. The title of this  post says "Do You Know Jack?" Well, I do and we are going to be getting to be better friends shortly. 

      Chris is glad that we got the blog to work. He was making noises, throwing his washcloths around, making his gargoyle face, kicking his shoes off with such force that they hit the computer screen. Whew!

      I hope that this does not happen again anytime soon. Well, I had better go and see what Chris is up to. Have a great evening. Here I come "Jack"!
Later........Jessie and Chris (Arggggg)!

Wow so many choices! Shoo and Stu.
Papa John and it looks like Jane has had too many Long Island Ice Teas, eh?

Me, Papa John and Jane

Get a Room. (Gin Rummy anyone?)

My Queen (Elise)

Stu tells Shoo to pay attention and to take notes. They are looking at Papa John and Jane.



   How are you doing? I am here but I am still having problems with my desktop that I use to post to our blog. Hang in there with me, I am still on it. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hump Day!

Good Morning!         
"Doctor you are taking too long. I will take a short nap so don't wake me up"

Mood: Gin,Gin,Gin Rummied!

Music listening to: Mercedes by Pebbles

    It's a Hump Day! How are you? I started the day off at 4:45am caring for Chris. Elise is in her cave purring away. She will be up and about a bit later than usual this morning due to a extended game of "Gin Rummy". Any plans for today?

    The coffee is good and I will prepare a small salad and a extra thick orange smoothie for later.I have a few errands to take care of this morning. Bobby will be here this afternoon to care for Chris.

    Elise and I may go to the movies later in the day. It depends on the time and what is showing. How is that shopping coming along? I believe that we are all done here in Tucson. At least I think so that is!

    We are going to to meet up with Jane, Papa John, Shoo and Stu for Happy Hour at "Claim Jumper" this evening. It should be a lot of fun, food, and loads of laughs.

    Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a good Hump Day and enjoy.
Later....Jessie and Elise

Tiger,Marcie, Jet stay well.

Loraine, how goes it?

Jane and Papa John, see you this evening.

Shoo and Stu, see you this evening.

Flo and John,have a good day.

Monna,how are you?

Rosie, what is new in Melbourne?

Ross and Denise, what is new in Sydney?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Good Night!

Good Night!          
Chris having a chat with his Mom.

Hey, how was your day? It was a relaxing one here in central Tucson. I am happy to say that Elise is feeling much, much better today. Yes, she is. 

She deserted me this morning to play bridge and with the help of her partner Adavern they came in second place. I know for sure that makes her very happy.

Elise prepared breakfast for dinner. We had crisp bacon, eggs, and toast. It was delicious. If you have not tried breakfast for dinner you don't know what you are missing, smile!

We watched "Family Feud" and "West Wing" with Chris. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is in her office wrapping Christmas gifts.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a wonderful evening.
Nite.........Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good night.

Loraine, sleep well.

Jane and John, see you tomorrow at HH. I can feel a rousing game of "Gin Rummy" in the works. WooHoo!

Shoo and Stu, see you tomorrow at HH.

Flo and John, take if easy.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Good Night!

Good Night!

How are you doing? How was your day? I spent the day looking after Chris and keeping a watchful eye on Elise. She is feeling a bit better but she is moving very slow and she needs to hit the sheets early tonight. I will go back and forth between Chris's house and the main house to see how she is doing.

We enjoyed the concert that the "Arizona Repertory Singers" put on at the "Benedictine Monastery". Elise and I were joined by my girlfriend "Lila". Bobby was going to tag along with us but an incident prevented him from showing.

I thought that I was a goner at the concert. I was holding my girlfriend by the hand when I got a surprise. My other girlfriend Jane  came up and she introduced herself to "Lila". Jane told her that she was glad to meet her finally. I got a lump in my throat. Elise had a big smile on her face because she knew what was coming. Yes, she did!

Jane told "Lila" that she was my girlfriend too! I was looking for an escape route and I could not find one nowhere. Elise is still smiling big time. "Lila" got a look on her face because she was totally perplexed. I started to sweat!

I was glad that we were in church because I was in a safe zone and the sisters would not have any sudden outbursts or violence in the church. I was at ease until Jane gave me a hug and I kept my eye on "Lila" just in case. Elise was wanting to burst out laughing but she held it in. If we were not in church I would be in the hospital right now. Whew! I got threw a very sticky situation that I hope does not happen again with my other (girlfriends). Smile!

After the concert we took "Lila" home. She had a good time and she  gave Elise and hug and she gave me one as well. I thought I am good!

We picked up Bobby and we were on our way the DDC to pull some slots, get our perks, and I was in need of a few Jack and Cokes after the girlfriend incident.

The buffet was excellent and the slots were kind to Elise and I. Even Bobby did well. We left the casino and we dropped Bobby at home. 

We got home and Elise called it a day. I checked on Chris and I followed her lead. It was a interesting Sunday to say the least.

Well, I had better go and check on Elise. Chris is relaxing watching TV. He will probably go to sleep early due to he was up and out this morning.

Have a great evening and stay safe and well.
Ciao......Jessie and Elise

Tiger,Marcie, Jet sleep well.

Loraine, how was your day?

Jane and John, stay well.

Shoo and Stu, be careful.

I want to thank everyone for all of the well wishes, texts and phonecalls to wish Elise well.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

It's A Sunday!

Good Morning!

Mood: Blissful!

Music listening to: Don't Be Cruel by Bobby Brown

   It's a Sunday! What's up? I started the day off at 4:50am getting Chris settled for Elise. Elise is not in her cave this morning so she will be over shortly to care for Chris. Any plans for today?

   The coffee is good this morning. Elise and I are going to the "Egg Connection" for breakfast. We have not been there for breakfast in about a month. Can you say ham steak? Elise will be for sure.

    We had a very nice dinner at "Casa Vicente" last night. The food was excellent. We started off with some Carillas and a couple of glass of "Manos Negras. Then we shared some "Chorizo Sidra, "Atun Tapa", "Gambones","Osobucco Tapa",coffee and for dessert "Helado de Valencias". We were stuffed.

    After dinner we walked over to the "Arizona Theater Company" to see the play/musical "Xanado". It was very good. And the rollerskating actors were outstanding. It got a well deserved standing ovation.

    This afternoon we are going to pick up my date "Lila" and Bobby. We are going to the Arizona Repertory Singers" concert at the Benedictine Monastery. We got to hear them sing every year.

     After the concert will take Lila back home and Bobby, Elise and I are going to the DDC to collect our perks, pull a few slots and have dinner at the buffet. Rosemary will be here caring for Chris. A full day ahead of us, eh?

    Well, I had better get busy. Have a great Sunday and stay safe.
Later....Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good day.

Loraine, be careful.

Jane and John, see you at the concert.

Shoo and Stu, how are you?

Flo and John, have a good day.

Mary, what did you do for your birthday?

Saturday, December 14, 2013

It's The Weekend!

Good Morning!

Mood: Rummified!

Music listening to: Promise of a New Day by Paula Abdul

    It's the Weekend! How are you? I started the day off at 4:45am caring for Chris. Elise is exploring new depths in her cave this morning. You can hear echos this morning but she will be up soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

   The coffee is good this morning, nice and hot! Bobby will be here this morning to care for Chris and Rosemary will be here this evening.

    Elise and I are going out to the airbase this morning to do a little Christmas shopping. When we return we are going to watch our #1 "Wildcats" play basketball. Go Cats!

     We are going out for "Tapas" this evening at "Casa Vicente" they serve up some very good food and we have not been there in quite awhile.

    After dinner we are going to the "Arizona Theater Company to see the play/musical "Xanado". It should be a rollerskating good time. It got good reviews from the local critics.

    We had a wonderful dinner last night at "Cody's Beef and Bean". Elise and I were joined by my girlfriend (Lila) don't you know? The food was excellent as always and the Burgundy was spot on.

    I whipped out my credit card to pay the bill and "Lila" gave me a stern look and she told me that she is paying this time. So she did! I have to stay on good terms with my girlfriend so I will not rock the boat so to speak,smile!

    We wobbled to the Kia and we were on our way to take Lila home. On the way my Elise saw a license plate with the letter BBR and she tried to put words to letters. To our surprise Lila jumped in and she said "Big Broad Rear End". We busted out laughing so much that I almost had to pull over to get all of my laugh out. Wow, my girlfriend has a bit of a wild side and I like it, smile.

    We arrived at Lila's home and we went in with her for a minute or two. We were working on a jigsaw puzzle that was on table that she had been working on. After finding a few matching pieces we said our good nights and we thanked her for a very nice evening of good food, fun and laughs.

     Bobby and Marv enjoyed the movie "12 Years a Slave". As Bobby said it is an eye-opener and Marv was moved to tears. Elise and I felt the same. It brought out sadness, tears and a great anger as well for me. A powerful movie!

     Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a great weekend and enjoy. 

Later.......Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet stay safe.

Loraine, have a good day. 

Jane and John, have a good one.

Flo and John, be careful.

Shoo and Stu, be good.

Mary and Bob, have  a good weekend.

Monna, have a good weekend.

Friday, December 13, 2013



How is your TGIF going so far? I just got back from running a couple of errands and the sun is shining brightly.

I forgot to mention in this morning's post that Elise and I went to see the movie "Delivery Man" at "El Con Mall". It was good and funny.

I am about to enjoy my salad and I know it is going to be good. Chris is relaxing listening to music on the radio. Well, I had better get busy and get Chris up for the day.


Good Morning!             
Bobby and Marv at Macayo's.

Mood: Adventurous!

Music listening to: Let The Music Play by Shannon D

   It's a TGIF Day! How goes it? I started the day off at 4:45am caring for Chris. Elise is not in her cave this morning but I don't think she will popping up too soon. Any plans for today?

   The coffee is good and hot and my small salad is in the fridge waiting on me. No smoothie today because I am out of my smoothie mix. 

   It is a cool 37 degrees this morning here in Tucson but it supposed to warm up into the 60's. Marv will be here this evening to care for Chris.

   We had a very nice evening with Bobby and Marv at "Macayo's" for dinner. The food was delicious and the margaritas were heavenly. So good that Elise and I had to have two of them. Ole'. After dinner Marv and Bobby went to see the movie "12 Years a Slave" at El Con Mall. We hope that they enjoyed it as much as we did.

    Well, this evening we are having dinner out with my girlfriend "Lila". We are going to "Cody's Beef and Bean" we love it there. Can you say  "Burgundy at room temperature, please"? We will for sure, smile!

    Well, I had better get to it with Chris, but first I will make a trip over to the main house to see what Elise is up to. Yes, she is up and moving about now.

     Have a great TGIF and say safe.
Later.......Jessie and Elise

Tiger,Marcie,Jet have a good one.

Loraine, enjoy the day.

Jane and John, behave now!

Flo and John, have a great day.

Shoo and Stu, what are you up to?

Ross and Denise, how are things in Sydney?

Mary and Bob, what is up for the weekend? Stay warm.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thirsty Thursday!

Good Morning!

Mood: Cheerful!

Music listening to: Pump It Up by Technotronic

   It's a Thirsty Thursday! How are you? I started the day off at 4:45am caring for Chris. Elise is not in her cave this morning so she will be up and on her way to the gym very soon. Any plans for today?

   The coffee is good and my small salad is in the fridge waiting on me. No smoothie today. Angelica will be here this morning to care for Chris. Rosemary will be here this afternoon to take over.

   I got a wonderful surprise yesterday. I was visited by our daughter Tangye and her youngest son Colin. It was so good to see them and to hear what has been going on in her life. I wish Elise could have been here to see her but she was playing bridge.

     Well, our Wildcats are the number one team in the nation. They played New Mexico State last night and of course our Cats were the victors. Go Cats!

  This evening we are going to "Macayo's" for dinner. We will be joined by Bobby and Marv. It should be a evening of good food, laughs, and Margaritas. Ole'

   I got a second surprise after Elise returned home from playing bridge. Her partner Charlotte sent me a plate loaded with treats. I am so spoiled! They are delicious. Thank you Charlotte.

   Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a great day and enjoy.
Later.......Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good day.

Loraine, stay safe.

Jane and John, behave.

Monna, how are you guys?

Olivia, what is up for today in the GA?

Shoo and Stu, be careful.

Flo and John, have a great day.

Ross and Denise, what is new in Sydney?

Charlotte, you are spoiling me to no end. Thank you so much for the treats.

Liz, how are you guys?

Mary and Bob, have a great day. Stay warm.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...